So you’ve got some “stuff”.
And you’re wanting to sort it out?
Hi. I’m Naomi. I’m a coach. Kinda.
Once upon a time, I wrote some copy for this page.
The page had a lot of “for”s on it.
This is for people dealing with transitions. This is for people who are stuck. This is for people struggling with hard decisions. This is for people with big dreams and no confidence. That kind of thing.
And technically, everything I said was true. It was very life coach-y. It was very branded. (Ed. note: It was also very boring.)
But it didn’t feel right. I didn’t want to go with that angle, because I can’t say with a straight face that working with me is “for” anything. It’s just… for.
For whatever you’re dealing with right now.
For wherever you are right now. For whoever you are right now.
For getting from here to there, from now to then, from caterpillar to butterfly. From basket-case to… happier basket-case.
I lamented (okay, whined) about this difficulty to the lovely Kris, at how the closest term I could come up with was “life coach”, but that really wasn’t it. I mean, it’s not like I’m gonna make you do values exercises or priorities worksheets or anything. We’re really just hanging out, dealing with your stuff.
Sometimes fixing it, but not always.
Sometimes working around it.
Sometimes making off-color jokes until it goes away on its own.
It just felt like there wasn’t a word. (Well, in English, anyway. There’s probably a word in German. There’s always a word in German.)
She said to me, “And I’m guessing you don’t want to go with ‘glorified paid friend’?”
And I was like… BOOM. Yes. That. SO MUCH THAT.
So. Yeah.
If you’d like a glorified paid friend to help you sort out your stuff…
… work stuff
… relationship stuff
… spiritual stuff
… lifestyle stuff
… kid stuff
… mental health stuff
… money stuff
… well, that’s what I do.
Details and a few carefully curated, glowing testimonials are below.
what it’s like talking to me about your “stuff”
Clare Holliday
“As soon as we get on the phone, I get an “everything’s going to be alright” feeling. The steps I need to take become clearer and feel more manageable, and I believe more in my own ability to figure stuff out because Naomi’s on my team. Even her voice is soothing. She is calm, straight-talking, and wise.
Lots of coaches and make no allowance for how you might feel about what they’re telling you to do. I suppose that approach must work for some people but I find it suffocating. Naomi will be straight with you about what needs to happen, but she’ll also treat you like a smart, capable person with feelings that matter."
Heather Craik
“I've recommended Naomi a ton (read: every time I'm asked about coaches) and what I say is this; She knows what she's talking about, she's kind and fair but will absolutely not let you believe your own stories, and I've never once regretted any money spent with her. She is competent, encouraging, and plainspoken.
She asks you the important questions and then doesn't waste time going through things you already know. I cannot even begin to express how much I adore that - if she knows you have a piece covered she's not going to belabour the point - she'll just sort of dust her hands off and go "You KNOW this bit". Which is a huge confidence boost, too.
I always leave our talks feeling far better and more competent and confident than I went in. If you're going through something she will vocally take your side, if you're waffling and don't know what to do she'll call you out on that, you're never unsure where you stand with her.”
Amy Hebdon
Working one-on-one with Naomi was on my wish list for several years before I contacted her.
The thing I love most about having Naomi as my coach is she has worked with so many people and has so much experience and empathy. She never tells me how to feel. She says "I get it. I get you. Here's what I think you should do because of who you are." With Naomi, I can start out with my head totally cloudy and stuck or sad, and walk away with clarity and encouragement.
When I'm stuck in my head and feel alone, Naomi offers me a flashlight, a helping hand, and a map out.
Naomi is empathetic, wise and insightful. Many coaches make up a system or program, and try to force you to follow a system, because it's all they know. In sharp contrast, Naomi listens to what you need, what you're willing to do, what you're just not ready for, and then coaches you through the next best steps for your situation. It's a night and day difference.
Lois Nethery
“I just love being able to show up with something that’s niggling or hurting, and I don’t need to concern myself whether or not the thing is packaged neatly into a short essay with a beginning, middle and end. I can just show up with my amorphous mass of perceptions, associations, blind spots, gifts, questions, Questions (the big kind) and tip-of-the-tongue descriptions of what I’m experiencing.
I just trust that I can put all of these things into the pot, and Naomi will stir the pot, say her incantations and then bring me a transformed version of what I’ve just expressed, with nuggets of gold for me to discover in the moment, as well as for days and weeks afterwards.
She has a real gift for listening and discovering intuitive connections and it’s just relaxing and life-affirming to speak with her. I wish there was a better word to describe what Naomi does. She is compassionate, intuitive, and extremely knowledgeable without that getting in the way.
It’s normal to feel fear in a growth process, and she won’t take your fear away, but she will normalize the process for you and help you to grow in a way that feels congruent and just right for you. “
how it works
If you’d like to explore the idea of inviting me along on this part of your life’s journey, I’ll tell you a little about what working together looks like.
We’ll talk every week, or every other week - whichever you’d like. After about four sessions, we’ll assess where you are and decide together if we want to keep it the way it is, or switch things up.
(Messy, stuck or stagnant situations usually want to start with weekly. Straightforward situations and/or busy people want to start with biweekly. Either is cool, and we’ll decide together.)
That’s about the level of structure we’re looking at here. How often we talk will depend on how we feel about whatever we’re working through at the moment. But we’ll stay in touch consistently, so we can keep making progress.
(If you’ve been an IttyBiz coaching client, this is a little more structured than the way that coaching was, where we only talked whenever you felt like you needed it. Here, we’re going to keep a steady-ish pace, working together on a more integrated basis.)
how do I learn more (or get started)?
Before I begin working with any client, I start with a free, no-obligation “Hopes and Dreams” call – about 30 minutes or so on the phone. (Keep your schedule clear for a little after the call, though, because they can go longer if we’re making good progress.)
We’ll talk about you and your “stuff”, and we can both discover how we feel about talking to each other in a no-pressure conversation.
If you’re interested in moving forward, I’ll send you an invoice. Then we’ll get you in the calendar for our regular talking times.
To schedule your Hopes and Dreams call, simply email, and I’ll send you a link to my automated scheduling system.
And that’s it!
I can’t wait to talk to you.